Stars Aligned

In the midst of the worst health crisis, disturbing patriotism doctrines and a myriad of digital vices that became the gateway to the respect and love that we all crave, my brother recently gave us fulfilling reasons to celebrate The Great Life.

Although the picture below is by itself mesmerizing, that unique moment captured requires a deeper explanation.


What you’re seeing is myself and Marianna marrying André, un chevalier parfait, and Francine, la bella. Just like all very fortunate best man and bridesmaid, we were the only ones present and allowed to be there, due to pandemic sanitary measures happening in Curitiba during the period of the ceremony. Also, in the picture you’re seeing Francine carrying a baby; yes, you are actually seeing the five of us therefore! As if these two spectacular reasons were not sufficient for celebration, the entangled destinies of nature have presented the wedding ceremony on the 6th of March, the exact birthday of our beloved grandma (“a vó”), who has raised me and André.

Life sometimes is simple yet profound and we’re fated to be ordinary. An ordinary life is a good life and all we need are stars aligned!

Congratulations for the wedding and the baby, André and Francine. Stars are aligned. A vó estaria muito feliz!